The Professional Child Care College welcomes you to the Pre-School Administration and Management Course.

You have signed up to  study to improve your management skills.

This course will cover the following:

  • ·       Management and Leadership
  • ·       Conducting a Structured Meeting
  • ·       Motivating a team
  • ·       Induct a member
  • ·       Manage an ECD service
  • ·       Parents and families
  • ·       HIV/Aids
  • ·       Plan strategically to improve business
  • ·       Financial Management

The course is presented in modules.

The modules have tasks and assignments in them.

These tasks must be completed by you.

You must keep your module and hand in your tasks.

 It is VERY IMPORTANT to make a copy of all your work before you hand it in.

Make sure your NAME is on all your tasks.

Your tasks can be dropped at Professional Child Care College office or you can post them to :


Management Course
Postnet suite 143
Bag X 9

Like any kind of educational programme, distance learning comes with a host of pros and cons. It is always good to be mindful of these whwn embarking on an online course.


  • Lots of flexibility. With distance learning courses, students can complete their course work from just about anywhere, provided there’s a computer and internet connection. This allows students to work when and where it is more convenient for them without having to squeeze in scheduled classes to an already busy life.
  • No commuting. Taking a course online can be one way to cut down on  petrol or public transport costs. Since students can often work from home to complete their class assignments, both time and money are saved in cutting out the trips to and from class.
  • Lowered costs. Prices for online courses are generally cheaper than their on-campus counterparts and you won’t have to worry about commuting, moving or getting meal plans on campus, some additional benefits to learning from home.
  • Learn while working. As distance learning can usually be completed on your own schedule, it is much easier to complete distance learning courses while working than more traditional educational programmes. Keeping your job gives you more income, experience and stability while completing your course, giving you less to worry about and more time to focus on your studies.

  • Lack of social interaction. If the classroom environment is what you love most about learning you may want to take a step back and reconsider distance learning. You’ll likely get some interactionthrough email, but the experience will be quite different than traditional courses.
  • Format isn’t ideal for all learners. Not everyone is an ideal candidate for online learning. If you know you have problems with motivation, procrastination and needs lots of individual attention from an instructor you may want to think long and hard before enrolling in an online learning programme.
  • Requires adaptability to new technologies. If you’ve never been one to love working with technology you will probably get a lot less out of an online course than your more tech-savvy counterparts. Make sure you feel comfortable working with computers and with online programmes when embarking on a course.
So, there are both advantages and disadvantages to distance learning, but contrary to what many people believe, the distance education advantages far more outweigh the distance education disadvantages.

Again, thank you for your joining. It’s with contributions from professionals, such as yourself, that make this programme exciting and useful.

We look forward to your participation. 


The Professional Child Care College offers online video training courses that help you in your self-study. 

Our multi-modal approach to CBT training provides the necessary learning assistance, giving you the edge in attaining the education you desire. 

We have videos, audio lessons appendixes and further reading in our AUDIOVISUAL library.

Designed around your convenience, our self-study solutions are an easy way to begin your education, as effortless as sitting in your living room and making an online connection. 

Our computer based videos are available for any operating system, any laptop or home system. 

Stop, start, rewind and continue controls allows you to concentrate on critical areas of study until the subject material is understood.